learn projection matrix: F(PXs, QXt)
sample selection: learn sample weights
domain-invariant and domain-specific components
low-rank reconstruction
pixel-level image to image translation
adversarial network [1]: classification and domain confusion. The domain separation and confusion problem, which is a min-max problem, can be solved like GAN or using reverse gradient (RevGrad) algorithm.
- gradients on two domains should be consistent [pdf]
guided learning: tutor guides students and get feedback from students. ACM-MM18 paper
ensemble transfer learning: aggregate multiple transfer learning approaches [1]
open-set domain adaptation or partial transfer learning: [1][2][3]
distant domain adaptation (two domains are too distant, so the transfer between them relies on transition domains): Transitive transfer learning, distant domain transfer learning
open compound domain adaptation [1]
Domain adaptation for diverse applications
Domain difference metric: To measure data distribution mismatch, the most commonly used metric is MMD and its extensions such as fast MMD, conditional MMD [1][2] and joint MMD. There are also some other metrics like KL divergence, HSIC criterion, Bregman divergence, manifold criterion, and second-order statistic.
Theories: A summary of related theories